
Services and price list

♥  Ultrasound examination early in the pregnancy  ♥  Routine examination, usually during the 18th or 19th week of the pregnancy, to determine the baby’s due date  ♥  Weight control examinations  ♥  Blood flow measurements  ♥  3D/4D ultrasound examinations  ♥  Antenatal chech up with or without ultrasound  ♥  Follow-up check after delivery ♥  referral to the hospital

  • Ultrasound prior to week 11
    NOK 900,-
    30 minutes.

    Early in the pregnancy ultrasound can confirm the pregnancy and as early as week 6-7 heartbeats can bee seen. As the date of last menstruation some times can be a bit unsure and the actual length of the pregnancy is not always according to the expected length, we recommend you to come, at the earliest, from week 7+0. This is to avoid you coming too soon to confirm the heart beating.

    From week 8+0 you can measure CRL (crown rump length) a bit more precisely and by that estimate the length of the pregnancy.

    From week 9 the fetus starts looking a bit more babyish as you can clearly see a head, body, arms and legs.

    The ultrasound is sometimes preformed abdominally and sometimes vaginally, depending on what gives the best image.

    We print you pictures, and you will also get a link to your mobile phone with pictures and short film-cuts.

    We have plenty of time for information / answering any questions you may have, as well as referring to SUS if you are entitled to a 12-week ultrasound.

  • Quick ultrasound examination until week 11
    NOK 750,-
    15 minutes.

    Suitable for you who want a quick check to confirm that the heart is beating / pregnancy length and do not need a referral SUS.

    We print you pictures, and you will also get a link to your mobile phone with pictures and short film-cuts.

  • Ultrasound from week 11
    NOK 1100;
    (New price NOK 1100,- from 1.1.2022)

    From week 11 the fetus looks like a little baby. From week 12 most of the anatomi has developed. That makes week 12-13 a very good time to have a look at the anatomi, NT, heart and so on. Gender is usually visible from week 13+0.

    From week 24 we can measure the growth of the fetus, and also have a look at the vitality in general, the amount of fetal water and the position of the fetus.

    We print you pictures, and you will also get a link to your mobile phone with pictures and short film-cuts.

  • 3D/4D Ultrasound
    NOK 1200;
    (New price NOK 1200,- from 1.1.2022)

    3D/4D is used from early on in the pregnancy, but if you want a more close-up picture of the face, it is recommended to do this around week 28-32 of the pregnancy. By then the fetus will have gained a bit of weight and the cheeks are nice and round. Getting good pictures depends on certain conditions, like the position of the face and having fetal water in front of the face. Because of this we can not guarantee good pictures but most times we get there. We also always check the fetal growth, amount of water, position and vitality.

    If you carry twins we recommend you to come a bit earlier, around week 24-28.

    We print you pictures, and you will also get a link to your mobile phone with pictures and short film-cuts.


  • First time antenatal check up with ultrasound
    NOK 1600;
    60 minutes. (New price NOK 1600,- from 1.1.2022)
  • First time antenatal check up without ultrasound
    NOK 1200,-
    45 minutes

Included in this price you get some pictures / short film clips.

First time antenatal check up

  • Antenatal check up without ultrasound
    NOK 700;
    30 minutes. (New price NOK 700,- from 1.1.2022)
  • Antenatal check up with ultrasound
    NOK 1300;
    45 minutes. (New price NOK 1300,- from 1.1.2022)

Antenatal check

  • Follow-up check after delivery
    NOK 800;
    45 minutes. (New price NOK 800,- from 1.1.2022)

    It is recommended to have a check 6-8 weeks after giving birth. Then we talk about the delivery, answer any questions you might have. We also check the uterus, bleeding and sutures, blood pressure and Hemoglobin. Talk about physical and psychical health, being a mother/family, and any subjekt you feel like talking about.

Follow-up check after delivery

    NOK 800,-

    For you who have experienced an abortion, whether it happened early or late in the pregnancy, whether it was self-decided or happened spontaneously. If you want a check that the uterus has emptied well, or need to talk about what you have been through.